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Reduce Stress and Improve Results
Pamela Levin, T.S.T.A., 10/26/10
Pamela Levin is an RN and Teaching and Supervising
Transactional Analyst in Private Practice 42 years. She teaches and trains therapists and lay audiences
internationally, and is the award-winning author of several books and numerous articles on physical and
emotional health improvement. [Your affiliate link to YEN]
wouldn't want to more effectively attract what they desire in life? Especially if it meant also
being able to reduce stress and get better results!
If this is what
you'd like, then you need to be sure to do this one essential thing. You need to learn how to manage your
emotional self. That's because doing so is central to all three areas: reducing your stress, getting better
results, and more easily manifesting what you want in life. In other words, it is central to how the law of
attraction works.
Think about it. If you're depressed or anxious how can you attract good things into your life? It's like planting
pepper seeds while wanting to harvest mangoes.
So how can you manage it the better to increase your success rate? And, how can you do this if you're feeling
stressed, anxious or depressed, can't sleep— even having panic attacks?
The answer is short: you improve your state of emotional nutrition! What is 'emotional nutrition? It's just like
nutrition from food for your body, only it feeds and nourishes your emotional self.
In the same way that your physical body is made from the nourishment you've taken in from food, your state of
emotional nutrition is derived from the emotional messages you feed yourself on the inside, and the messages you
receive and take in from others on the outside.
Of course, not all messages—whether from your own mind or from someone else—are nourishing. In fact, some are
downright toxic! They can actually be causes of depression, anxiety, emotional eating that leads to weight issues -
and more! That's why it's so important to pay attention to the messages you're feeding yourself, and the messages
you're taking in from others.
Yes, you can indeed, DECIDE what to take in and what to keep out. And the more you keep out toxic messages and take
in nourishing ones, the easier it will be for you to manifest the results you want in
For a free sample of three crucial nourishing messages that support your healthy emotional
life, goto http://www.emotionalnutrients.com. These were developed by Pamela Levin over 42 years in private practice, and in teaching lay and professional audiences
internationally. [affiliate product link][your clickbank link]
Tags: emotional health stress reduce stress levels why reduce stress mental stress symptoms stress effects stress effects of emotional stress confidence